Mickiewicza Park
Apart from the Wilson Park, the most representative park of Poznań. It was established at the beginning of XX century as the center of the “Emperor’s District”. It was a mirror image of the Castle Park. It demonstrates a diversified tree stand, among others, there is a plane tree path. In the middle, there is a fountain surrounded by a grassy clearing. From east and west sides the park is surrounded by richly forested paths, from south side it transforms into the Mickiewicza Square with one of the two monuments of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and the monument of the “Poznań Crosses” commemorating rebellions of Poles against the communist regime in years 1956, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1980, 1981. South perspective open to the Świętego Marcina Street, east perspective closed with the view over the Center of Culture “ Castle” , north perspective open to the building of the Opera, west perspective closed with the Wieniawskiego Street, with the architecture ranging from the beginning of XX century (Collegium Minus) to the sixties of XX century.