Marcinkowskiego Avenues
Directed north-south, in the period 1794‑1798 the avenues were staked out as a representative promenade of Poznań. There are two streets divided by the walking route along which poplars were planted as in Berlin (nowadays there are pyramidal oaks). The route and streets are paved with cobbled stones from the fifties of XX century. Along the frontage, there are situated architecturally various buildings – from the secession buildings of the beginning of XX century to the contemporary building developments from 2013 (the Raczyńscy Library, north wing). In north part of the street, there is the Karol Marcinkowski Monument with a fountain dating back to the beginning of the previous century. North perspective open to the arterial road, whereas, south perspective closed with the Świętego Marcina Street of eclectic architectonic development.