Łazarski Market Square
A market place with the area of 5800 m². in north part there is a square – Lejek Łazarski, staked out in the times when the Łazarz District was a suburban village. The square constituted at that time a commercial center. East part of the market was divided in to the fruit and vegetable market as well as a commercial zone with stalls among others of antiques dealers. Around the market there is a street of the same name. Around-the-market development is eclectic ranging from tenements of the turning of XIX and XX centuries with apartments of a very low standard, to architecture of the mid of XX century, and contemporary architecture with historical and historicist details. North perspective closed with the Małeckiego Street with tenements of the turning of XIX and XX centuries, west perspective closed with the Głogowska Street, south perspective open with the view over the Dmowskiego Street.