Góra Przemysła Street
The street is located at the foot of the Góra Przemysła [Przemysła Mountain], with a very diversified topography of the area. The summit of the Mountain attracts with a newly constructed Royal Palace corresponding with its appearance to XIII-century architecture. For the construction of the castle, remains of the XIII-century tower together with cellars and foundations of the castle dating back to XVI century were used. The Castle was combined with the existing XVI-century building reconstructed in XVIII century in the renaissance style with classicist elements. From the tower of the castle one may admire a general view in all directions over the city. There are paths and stairs dating back to XIX century at the slope of the castle hill. Closed perspectives. From the south west side, large fragments of the medieval municipal wall have been preserved. The development ranging from XIII-century architecture (the Royal Castle) through XVII century (the Saint Antoni Padewski Church) and finally to residential developments of XVIII, XIX, and XX centuries.