University Film Studio UAM
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu,
Ośrodek Dydaktyczno-Multimedialny
Uniwersyteckie Studio Filmowe ,
ul. Niepodległości 24
61-714 Poznań
tel. 61 829-39-40
University Film Studio performs basic tasks posed by the academy authorities, i.e. it promotes the Adam Mickiewicz University.
Our ongoing television programmes and documentaries present the most important events of the university, as well as educational, cultural and student issues. We also present the most prominent figures of the University who have made a great contribution to the development of Polish and worldwide science.
Through the production of popular science programmes and films, television lectures, debates and meetings with leading representatives of Polish science, we fulfil the most important mission of the University - the popularization of science.
See the offer of the University Film Studio in the field of film and television production:
- Recording of events
- Video recording of important cultural, sports and business events
- Multi-camera TV productions
- Production of professional coverage reports of sports, cultural and other important events with the use of production car
- Production of documentaries, popular science films, etc.
- Any productions of documentaries and popular science programmes are our speciality.
- Advertising and promotional production
See the offer of the University Film Studio in the field of advertising and promotional production:
- TV advertising spots
- Presentations of products, businesses and services lasting 15, 20 and 30 seconds to be broadcast by television stations and in the Internet
- Promotional videos
- Films showing tourist, recreational and business attractions
- Education and training videos
Studio rental:
- Studio of 100 m2.
- Bluebox of 30 m2 with 4-m-high walls.
- The studio is fully air-conditioned.
Studio pricing:
- up to 8 hours - PLN 600
- over 8 hours - PLN 300
- Service (1 person) mandatory - PLN 200
- Panasonic HPX500 camera - PLN 500
- Screen min. 2m - PLN 250
- “Z życia Uniwersytetu” (University Life)
- “Wykłady Uniwersyteckie” (University Lectures)
- “Wybitne Postacie Uniwersytetu” (University’s Prominent Figures)
Services (PL)
- Television and film production
- Advertising and promotional production
- Studio rental
produkcja telewizyjna produkcja filmowa produkcja promocyjna produkcja reklamowa wynajem studia montaż wideo rejestracja wydarzeń filmy dokumentalne
television production film production promotional production commercials production studio rental editing video registration of events documentaries