STA Actors Studio
With balanced curriculum, the students learn not only the techniques of improving the creation of reliable character, but also the necessary basics related to the history of theatre and role presentation techniques.
The programme of studies takes into account the need for both acting and personal development, and therefore the course offer is very broad. Participants, while going through the steps of learning, are gaining specific skills.
STA Actors Studio was created with the idea of educating through theatre and film. It is one of the oldest cultural media and a great educational tool.
Our students have so far collaborated on film and advertising sets, they also met with the students of the Poznań theatre studies on the occasion of the presentation of their own screenplays. We make sure that the course is not only intense but also attractive in terms of stage experience and audience interaction.
Services (PL)
- theatre and film education
- actors
- extras
charakteryzacja warsztaty edukacja teatralno-filmowa aktorzy statyści praca tekstem improwizacja sceny współczesne piosenka aktorska wykłady historii teatru sztuki dykcja emisja głosu charakteryzacja sceniczna ruch
make-up workshops theatre and film education actors extras work with text improvisation contemporary stage actor song lectures on the theatre art history diction voice emission make-up stage movement