The film office of the city of Poznań

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os.Stare Żegrze 124
61-249 Poznań


Services (PL)



Kamery, Red Scarlet, Ursa Mini Pro, Sony FS7, Canon C100, Sony A7RIII, Sony A7III, Blackmagic Pocket Camera 4k, Canon 5D MIII, Sony A6500, GoPro Hero6, Obiektywy, Sigma Art, Zeiss Super Speed CP2, Sigma Cine, Zeiss, Samyang, Canon, Sony, G Master, Laowa, Tamron, Zeiss, Hexanon, Adaptery, Novoflex, Chrosziel, Metabones, Cine, MC-11, Viltrox, Fotga, Stabilizacja, Panthera, DJI Ronin S, Ronin M, Sachtler, Zhiyun Crane 2, Zacuto, Shape Rig, Slider, Vocas, Sennheeiser, Audio-Technica, XLR, Rode, Zoom, Oświetlenie, LED, SWIT, Uongnuo, Akcesoria, Follow Focus, Mattebox, Lexar, XQD, Monitory, Ikan, Atomos, SmallHD, Zacuto, Drony, Dji, Phantom 4 Pro, Niltry ND