How how
The moving image has no secrets for us. We offer comprehensive film production, 2D/3D animation and multimedia presentations "from screenplay to production". We provide ideas, knowledge and tools necessary to achieve the objectives. We are not afraid of new challenges and although we know quite a lot, we keep learning and developing. We are modern and dynamic but aware of the rules of the market. We are down to earth - we keep our word and meet the deadlines. This means we can be trusted and it is worth to dedicate your time to us.
TV ads, events and concerts coverage, music videos
Services (PL)
Comprehensive support of film production:
idea, creation, cost estimation, documentation and organization of production
photo shoots indoors, outdoors and in natural surroundings with a wide range of photographic techniques: cameras up to 5K, camera crane, dolly, slider, steadicam, aerial imagery, timelapse, tilt-shift
editing, colour correction, special effects, sound production, 2D animation, 3D animation, multimedia presentations
produkcja filmowa grafika preprodukcja kosztorys organizacja produkcji zdjęcia kamera 5K kran kamerowy wózek slider steadicam zdjęcia lotnicze timelapse tilt shift postprodukcja montaż korekta barwna efekty specjalne udźwiękowienie animacja 2D animacja 3D prezentacje multimedialne produkcja filmowa produkcja reklamowa kamery montaż wideo wynajem kamer wynajem sprzętu wynajem studia
film production graphics pre-production cost estimate organization of production photos camera 5K camera crane dolly slider steadicam aerial imagery timelapse tilt shift post-production editing colour correction special effects sound production 2D animation 3D animation multimedia presentations film production commercials production camera video editing camera rental equipment rental studio rental